Preparing for Parenthood
July 8th, 2022

I’ve been asking all the wrong questions about preparing to be a parent. I moved to the province last February, as it is more financially reasonable to be an “expectant” single adoptive mother in the province. House rent and utilities are considerably cheaper, and so are meat and vegetables. Schools as well. While looking for [...]

Esther Suson
Family is the Answer: Victory Fort
June 22nd, 2022

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ROHEI Foundation
Adoption and Alternative Child Care Week Celebration 2022
June 13th, 2022

The Philippines’ new adoption law declares the second week of June as Adoption and Alternative Child Care Week (AACCW)! The theme for this year was “Journeying Together: Discovering the New Law and Celebrating Legal Adoption”. Last June 9 and 10, our team was part of the very first observance of AACCW. We were blessed and [...]

Jhannah Capistrano
“Ampon Ka Lang… Joke Lang!”: Three Reasons Making Fun of Adoption isn’t Funny
May 25th, 2022

Comedy is serious business! Laughter can help us see the brighter side of life when things get rough. So then, what happens when humor — something that relieves stress and brings people together — is used to discriminate against those who may already be bullied by society? Let’s face it: Adoption is shamed in the [...]

Jhannah Capistrano
The Adoption Triad: Honoring Both Biological Moms and Adoptive Moms
May 8th, 2022

Motherhood is one of the most important things that we celebrate as a society. Even if not all of us get to experience it, most of us are familiar with how challenging it is to take on the role of a mom and pour out our love and care into nurturing a child. However, in [...]

Natalie Ojerio
If you want to share your own adoption or foster care journey, your story as an adoptee or child in foster care, or you have any information that would promote awareness about and advocate for adoption and foster care, we'd love to hear from you!